Piper Dawn Deines
Born April 16, 2014
at 11:27 pm
6 lbs 11.5 oz
19 1/4 inches long
Here is the story of her birth:
8:15 am
I went to the doctor for my 38 week checkup.
Jake and Corbett accompanied me.
I was 4 cm dilated and the doctor discussed
induction the following week, but told me
she would be surprised if I made it to 39 weeks.
9:00 am
We had an ultrasound, because I was
measuring small and the doctor wanted to make
sure everything was okay. The baby looked great,
but at one point the ultrasound tech slipped
and used a male pronoun, reinforcing my belief
that we were having a baby boy.
10:00 am
Corbett and I dropped Jake off at work
and went to Einstein's, where we shared
a cinnamon raisin bagel and watched the
cars and buses drive by on Orange Ave.
I started feeling periodic contractions but
they were not painful so I assumed they were
Braxton Hicks contractions or perhaps
a result of my exam that morning.
1:00 pm
I took a nap while Corbett was napping,
and the contractions seemed to go away.
4:30 pm
Corbett and I went outside so he could
ride his bike. The contractions were back; still
not painful but starting to feel more regular.
6:00 pm
We picked up Jake from work. I told him
I was having contractions but wasn't sure if they
were "the real thing" or not. We went to Target
to pick up a few things and the contractions started
feeling more intense. After Target, we ducked into
a nearby nail salon and I got my eyebrows waxed.
If the baby was coming soon I wanted
to look good for pictures!
7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Got dinner for the boys and tried to rest,
but couldn't get comfortable. The contractions
were getting stronger and more regular. I decided
I better go and get checked out, so I texted the
neighbors to come stay with Corbett and
finished packing my bag for the hospital
9:30 pm
Arrived at triage and spent an intense
20-30 minutes waiting to be seen. My
contractions were coming every 2 minutes and
lasting 1 min each. Once the nurse called me back,
she quickly sent me to a room. At this point my
body was starting to shake and the nurses were
acting urgent. They checked me and then
started running me up to labor/delivery.
I informed everyone that I was not planning
on a natural birth and asked for an epidural if
possible. Found out later I was dilated to 9 cm
but they called the anesthesiologist anyway.
10:30 pm
Got the epidural and met the doctor on
call (Dr. Scott). He asked if I was ready to
get things started and I asked for a few more
minutes to get used to the idea...
Everything was happening so fast
and I was a little in shock!
10:45 pm
Dr. Scott broke my water.
11:00 pm
Started pushing.
11:27 pm
Baby came out and I teared up
when I heard that beautiful first cry.
The first thing Jake said was,
"I can't see what it is!"
Then, in a surprised voice,
"It's a girl!"
She was placed on my chest and
once again,
our lives were forever changed.
First picture
Cutting the cord
Getting acquainted
Perfect little fingers
Tiny toes
The official weigh-in
Testing out her "pipes"
Happy Mama
Proud Daddy
Mother and Daughter
We are in love!