Sunday, October 9, 2011

Escape from the humidity

Back in August, we went home to
Salt Lake City for a week.
Utah is so wonderful, and so dry!
It was nice to escape the Florida humidity.

As usual, we were pretty busy dividing time 
between the Poulter's, the Deines', friends, 
and our favorite Utah eateries (namely
Cafe Rio, Zupas, and Sub-Zero).

In the midst of such hustle and bustle, we 
sort of forgot to document our trip (oops).
But here are a few phone pictures
of some of our activities:

First things first, I finally got my tooth 
fixed by a competent and professional 
dentist (a nonentity in Orlando).
Jake couldn't resist this shot of my
movie goggles and laughing gas.

We also got to meet two new nephews!
Sweet baby Todd (pictured), and baby 
Miles (not pictured, but equally adorable).

Jake spent a lot of his time helping
his mom clean out his childhood home.

While I hung out with friends...
(Lisa and Hannah)

...and got pedicures.
(Just kidding, I promise I helped
out at the house too!)

We went to an awesome Bees
game for Deines Family Fun Night:

And held Poulter Family Fun Day at the
In-N-Out Burgers and Five Guys Fries.
(Holding that cute baby Todd again)

We enjoyed quality time with Jake's brothers:

...and my brothers:
Aren't their matching ties cute?

Don't be fooled.
Dashing gentlemen by day,
but raucous wrestlers by night:

We also managed to say hello
to our friends the Gravers:

And spend time with many of Jake's friends
at Seth and Penelope's wedding:

Thanks for such a great time everyone,
and we'll see you all in December!


mj said...

AND you got to see me! surprise! actually, that was one of my fav surprises from my quick layover in utah that weekend. i need to send you the picture!

Bethany said...

Yes! That was awesome. :)