Friday, July 26, 2013

Philadelphia: the Good and the Bad

Our big family getaway this year was
at the beginning of June to Philadelphia. 
Jake had a work conference to attend,
and Corbett and I tagged along for fun.

I'll start with the BAD part of the trip:
my iPhone was stolen, by a heartless thief
on a city bus. Consequently, pictures from
our trip are limited to the ones I texted out
before my phone was stolen and the ones
taken from Jake's phone.

Other than that unfortunate incident,
we had a great time! Here are the
top 10 GOOD parts of the trip
(in no particular order):

1) Celebrating Jake's 33rd birthday
with dinner and his favorite treats
from Trader Joe's (not pictured)

2) A reunion with some of Jake's
best friends from med school
(Anita, Caroline, and Rubina)

3) Fine dining at a number 
of Stephen Starr restaurants, 
thanks to Jake's per diem
(Talula's Garden)

4) Staying right in the Old City
and exploring the area, including this 
beautiful park, full of hydrangeas:

5) Seeing the Liberty Bell

6) Touring Independence Hall

7) Visiting the Masonic Temple to
see this 1842 edition of the
Book of Mormon:

8) Our first Duck Tour

9) A morning at the very impressive
"Please Touch Museum," where Corbett 
had the time of his life. I took a million 
pictures (including one of him dressed
up as a doctor), but none survived. :(

10) A mini-trip to Washington DC
(just Corbett and I), where I was able 
to visit some of my favorite places
and spend time with some of my best
friends from my time in DC.
(Lincoln Memorial)

(Natural History Museum)

(Allison and Jamie--who gave birth
to a baby boy the very next day!)

Overall, the trip was a great way
to kick off the summer of 2013!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So sad about your phone! Looks like an awesome trip though, jealous of the east coast fun!