Thursday, July 11, 2013

Year in Review

What a difference a year makes!

May 2012
Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz
Height: 20 1/2 inches
Clothing Size: newborn

May 2013
Weight: 20 lbs 14 oz
Height: 29 1/4 inches
Clothing Size: 12 months

Teeth: eight (the front 
four on top and bottom)

Words: mama, dada (his favorite), 
hi (always accompanied with a wave),
ba-ba (bye-bye), ba (for bath),
and nana (for banana)

Sleeping: awesome, as long as he has
his binkie, his monkey, and his sound machine 
(set to the sounds of the ocean). He takes 2 naps 
a day (1 1/2 hours in the morning and 2+ hours 
in the afternoon) and sleeps through the night 
from 7:30 pm-6:30 or 7 am.

Appetite: HUGE! He will eat just about 
anything we give him. He takes his mealtimes very 
seriously, and his food rarely ends up on the floor 
or in his hair because it goes straight to his mouth! 
He transitioned well from formula to whole 
milk and is no longer taking a bottle.

New tricks: throwing his diaper in the 
garbage, opening doors (à la the velociraptors in 
Jurassic Park), turning on our little keyboard and 
"playing" the piano, and dancing (in the form of 
bouncing up and down and waving his arms).

Favorite toys: his Vtech activity walker has
been a solid favorite since he was 9 months, and
most recently he has been carrying around this
yellow bubble wand from Target. He also loves
turning our printer on and off, on and off...
Does that count?

Favorite books: "Peek-A Who?" and
"Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb"

Favorite activities: anything with water (swimming,
taking a bath, playing in splash pads, etc.), exploring
the great outdoors, getting chased and tickled by
daddy, unraveling toilet paper and paper towel rolls, 
and meeting/petting animals (especially dogs).

Least favorite activities: getting cleaned
up after mealtimes and when mommy hands him
off to his swim instructor and/or the sweet
grandmother who takes excellent care of him
during church while I serve in the Primary.

Adjectives that best describe Corbett:
intrepid, social, determined, capable, confident,
curious, adaptable, hungry, charming, chunky, 
sweet and stinky (he poops at least 3x a day).

For our records, here is a list of 
Corbett's milestones from his first year:

Born: May 21, 1012
First social smile: 7/3/12 (6 weeks)
First babysitter: 7/21/12 (2 months)
(while mom and dad saw the Dark Night Rises)
First plane ride: 8/10/12 (2 months)
 (from Orlando to Salt Lake City)
Rolled from front to back: 9/4/12 (3 months)
First haircut: 9/22/12 (4 months)
Rolled from back to front: 10/11/12 (4 months)
First tooth: 11/4/12 (5 months)
Started sitting up: 11/4/12 (5 months)
Started Solids: 11/8/2012 (5 months)
Waved bye-bye: 12/20/12 (6 months)
Clapped hands: 1/18/2013 (7 months)
Sat up in crib: 1/31/13 (8 months)
Started swim lessons: 3/4/13 (9 months)
Stood up in crib: 3/15/13 (9 months)
First steps: 3/20/2012 (10 months, minus a day)

We're so thankful for our son and look
forward to what this next year will bring!

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