Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Harley Halloween

We did not do a great job of 
documenting Corbett's first Halloween.

Luckily, a friend took these
pictures at our church Halloween party.

As you can see, we were a biker family,
per Jake's request (after seeing this
picture of a Harley baby online).

A few weeks before Halloween, I called 
my mom to ask if she would make a 
baby biker vest. She reminded me of the 
many times that she tried to teach me how 
to sew, and how she'd tell me not to come 
crawling back to her someday to make
my kids Halloween costumes.


Well, she was a good sport 
and made the vest anyway.
I did sew on the patches myself,
sent to us by Grandpa Don.

Corbett got a lot of attention
in his costume, including a Target
pharmacist saying it was the best
costume he'd seen all day and the
customer service lady at Publix (pictured
above), who asked to hold him.

In addition to our church party,
I took Corbett to a party at a 
mommy and baby class that I attend
each week. We got such a kick
out of propping these cute Halloween 
babies up next to each other
for some pictures.

I've always enjoyed Halloween,
but it turns out having a kid to dress up 
adds a whole new level of fun!

We've already got ideas for next year.
Stay tuned...

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