Sunday, May 15, 2011

Flat Stanley, making 2D cool again

Have any of you ever helped
with a Flat Stanley project?

This was our first time.
A friend of mine in Utah is a teacher,
and one of her students needed
someone to send "Flat Stanley" to.
Our task was to take pictures
of Flat Stanley doing various activities with us.

We kind of spoiled Flat Stanley.
Here are some of his adventures:

There are a few adventures that
I didn't document.  Like, the 
time I lost him in the parking garage
(for a whole day)... 
Or that time he blew out of my 
hands into the ocean...

But Flat Stanley is a survivor!
I think we showed him a good time.


JakeD said...

With abandonment in a parking lot and a possible drowning incident, maybe we're not ready to be parents. =)

Tammy said...

That is great! I am totally jealous of flat Stanley!

Andrea said...

yes!!! i have minkey-pooh who has traveled far and near. do you remember him? he came with us to russia. i can't believe you found stanley after a whole day in a parking garage!!!!

Kevin and Eliza said...

That is awesome! Yeah that is very impressive that you were able to find him after a whole day.