Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dollar Store Pity

Meet my new sock purse.

Here is the story about how she came to be:

The day that Jake and I left for London
(more on that trip later), we ran
to Dollar Tree to pick up
some supplies.  I specifically
wanted some sort of change purse,
and the only kind I could find
were of the sock purse variety.
At the checkout line,
we realized that we didn't have
our wallets (they were packed in
separate bags for our trip).
So Jake ran out to the car
and found some change (literally, nickels
and dimes) to pay for our few items.

Because we were low on coinage, I decided
the sock purse wasn't really a need,
so I put it back on the shelf and went outside.

Jake lingered in the store for a minute
more, and the cashier slipped him
this sock purse (for free) to give to me,
which was so sweet.

Now, Jake and I are really blessed and
are financially stable (well, as long as you don't
mention "student loans").  But you know we must
have come across as real ragamuffins when
the dollar store cashier thought we were
too poor for a sock purse!

I must say though, the purse sure did the trick
in London holding our pounds and pence
(also known as quids and p's).


Kevin and Eliza said...

That is really funny! What a fun memory. It looks like you guys have visitors all of the time. Congrats on your 6th month mark!

Andrea said...

why didn't you take me to london? love the story btw..

Hannah said...

That is HYSTERICAL!!! You poor little ones... hahaha!