Friday, October 19, 2012

Monkey Butts!

If their fathers' friendship is 
any indication, then these two kiddos 
are destined to be buddies.

We got together while in Utah and
took a LOT of pictures of these two.

My favorites are the babies 
in their matching monkey outfits.

 Monkey butts!

They were both learning to roll, and 
were so clever to roll away from each other.

We're excited for baby Andrew and the
rest of his family to come visit next month.

Expect more pictures.  :)


Jessica said...

Andrew is so excited to see his buddy in a few weeks!

Jena said...

So cute, and that picture below of you and Corbett--you are so gorgeous!

I have a blog request: I want to know how you two met and got together! I read about the first date to Park City, but what surrounded that?

Andrea said...

hee hee!! my favorite is the bum shot. fabulous!

Bethany said...

Thanks for the suggestion Jena! I just blogged about how we met.