Saturday, August 4, 2012

2 months!

Here are Corbett's stats from 
his 2 month check-up:

11 lbs 11 oz
23 1/2 inches

He's a growing boy!
50th percentile for weight
and 75th percentile for height.

He has gone from being our 
"little monkey" to our "chunky monkey."

I was dreading taking him to get shots,
but it wasn't too bad.  He was kind of grumpy 
anyway (he was getting hungry), so the shots just 
made him more grumpy. But then I fed him and he 
was fine, and I had some Yogurtland and was fine.

At 2 months, Corbett is smiling a lot
and making the most adorable cooing sounds.

He loves sucking on his soothie and his fist.

Corbett is so snuggly, and loves to cuddle
with his mommy and daddy.  We moved him
into his own room, and he is sleeping about 8 hours
a night (!), as long as we swaddle him up and
turn on his white noise machine.

He loves bath time and going on walks,
but he HATES driving in the car.  You know how
driving puts most kids to sleep?  Well, not Corbett.
If he's not asleep when we put him in the car then he
pretty much just screams until he gets out.
It's a good thing we're flying and not
driving out to Utah next week.

He's had messy blowouts in Huggies
and leaked right through Up & Up (Target brand),
so we're sticking with Pampers.

Corbett gets a lot of attention wherever we go,
and the 3 comments we hear the most are:
1) Wow, look at that hair!
2) What beautiful eyes!
3) He looks just like his dad!

I typically respond with:
1) I don't know what to do with it.
2) It's the only thing he got from me.
3) We'll never need a paternity test on this one.

We sure love our little guy.
Happy 2 months Corbett!


Tammy said...

He is so adorable... Are you sure you don't want to come visit me before I leave so I can love that baby and get my baby fix? Also, we are pampers fans for the infants as well... Then we go cheap and Costco!

Craig said...

He is so cute! I can't wait to see him soon, oh and you of course! :) About the not liking the car, Todd was like that for the first few months of his life. It was aweful! Sometimes I would have to pull over and comfort him for a while, or feed him to calm him down. :/ But, after a few months he was just fine! And he falls asleep all the time in the car now, so there is hope for Corbett! :)

Trenda said...

That comment was from Trenda! :)